Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Life Worth Living

Where has the time gone? 

Life is the most interesting thing I've ever been a part of. Life can be viewed as sort of a relationship. At times we love it, hate it, savor it, ruin it, want to have it forever, and sometimes wish it never existed. It's so hard trying to convince yourself how truly blessed we all are to even be living. Life is precious and we are so undeserving of it.

In the last year and a half I've been through some of the best and worst times of all my 19 years on Earth. I've been tempted and as a result gave into that temptation. I've gained some amazing new people in my life as well as losing some I never pictured not being there. I've struggled with my faith and  have come to know God on a level I never dreamed possible. I went on an adventure of a lifetime gone bad and then got accepted to the school of my dreams. I've realized so much about myself and pray continuously that I will grow in all areas over the course of this next year.

A new school, new friends, current friends, new city, NU beginnings. Life means everything to me. I know I was given a special gift and I should really send a Thank You card to God. Life without purpose is no life at all. Why are we on Earth? What's the point. I wish I could know the plans He has for me. But that's for Him to know and me to find out I suppose. Why are certain people in my life? Who are my real friends? What shenanigans will I get myself into next? I'm so privileged to not know what my future holds. If I knew exactly how the rest of my life would pan out, what's the point in living. It's like watching a movie and that jerk friend telling you the best parts.

I urge everyone to live for right now. Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow. Take advantage of what you've been given today. Far too many people have left this Earth in recent times. I vow to never let someone know how much they meant to my life via their deceased Facebook page. While I think it's beautiful that people come together to honor a person who was such a light in their lives, I wonder. I wonder why they didn't know those things before they were gone. I wonder if Heaven has Facebook. Could you imagine what Jesus's relationship status must look like?

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it".-Psalm 118:24

Understand that nobody is promised to make it until morning. Always remind those you love that you do in fact love them. Stop holding back from the blessings you've been presented with. We have one life to live here, make it worth it. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are worth dying for, so make your life worth living for.

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