Friday, December 23, 2011

Your Love Is a Song

Oh Your love is a symphony.

I love the way your heart beats in unison with mine. Your voice is a melody to soothe me. I can hear the tone of your strength and the vibrato of your peace that lives within me. You're my favorite song. I keep you on repeat all day, never in silence. When the worries of the world feel like too much to handle I just turn your volume up. You are music to my ears and the root of my being. Thank you for listening to me. But thank you even more for letting me listen to you.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

That Awkward Moment.

You know those awkward moments we all go through. Oh wait, I believe the word is life. 

Life is full of awkwardness. We don't know what we're doing or why we're doing it most of the time. In the moment everything usually makes sense. It's not until we reflect back and realize how the situation, in reality, panned out and what we could have done differently.

Time machines do not exist and we can't take back something once we've entered it into the the world. I just lost my best friend due to both of us having issues. I realize, looking back, that I should have not said things that I said. I shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. Most of all I realize the damage is done and only time and a change of heart can mend what's been broken. Although sad, I am extremely content with where my life is right now.

It also helped me realize that I have a problem. I believe it's called word vomit. I tend to spew out things I wish I never said. I don't hear what comes out of my mouth or my keyboard for that matter sometimes. I have spent a lot of my time in life alone. At times I love it. However it has taken me to a place that I really need to work on. I tend to overthink when I'm alone. I daydream. I Facebook... I read too much into things. Oh he messaged me on Facebook. Wow...he's cute. At the rate this is going we're probably going to get married. I go from 0 to 60 in five seconds. I then tell all my closest friends everything I'm extreme detail might I add. Like I said, I have word vomit. I can't help what I'm saying, it just comes out. 

It gets really bad once I finally am interacting with real life human beings. I can hear my conscience telling me to shut my mouth and calm down, but my spastic brain is too busy thinking to listen. I've become so accustomed to being alone that when I finally get with people I have to release all that's been happening in my head. It's become more of a personality trait than I would like. I'm praying in this transition into my whole NU world can slowly cure me of word vomit. This sickness enables me to say things I probably shouldn't say. I sincerely hope that I'm able to truly start over in this new chapter of my life.

Although I know people at my new school, at times I wish I didn't. At times I wish I could truly start over. A clean slate. A place where nobody knows me. A place where nobody has pre-concieved notions of me. I don't know what is going on in anyone's minds and at times it can get extremely frustrating. Word vomit and social awkwardness is no longer in my future. Some things are just better left unsaid.

Don't just be another awkward moment.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Silence Is Deadly.

The power of a secret could be the deciding factor between life or death. 

What is the purpose of a secret? Why do we hold things in so much? Why is it so hard for us to be honest with each other? Everyone has a secret so why is it such a big deal? Everyone does what everyone else is doing anyway.

You may have heard of the brilliant idea by a man named Frank Warren called PostSecret. It is an outlet to those who have nowhere else to go with these things they bottle in. How it works is you write down your secret in any way you'd like to and mail it to the address they provide for you. I was just reading some of them and while some are funny, others are sexual, haunting, beautiful, and some extremely intense. It made me think how many thousands and thousands of secrets are being kept even by my friends. No matter what anyone will tell you at face value, everyone has something they would rather keep locked inside.

The reasons for this could be endless. They are scared people will judge them. They are scared people might not treat them the same. They are scared they can lose their job, their family, friends, even God. In the last years I have lost count of the amount of suicides I've heard of. It's heartbreaking to know that those people didn't have someone to reach out to because they were too frightened. What was scaring them to the point of death? Was it that they were getting picked on at school? Maybe they were addicted to painkillers and they didn't know the next step. Maybe it was stress from school, parents, standard of perfection, lack of love.

Why can't we be honest and transparent about what we have/are going through? Why is it so hard to love each other through the good and the bad? Who will be your friends through it all? It's quite interesting. I've told a few people the things I've been through, or at least pieces. I refuse to sit here and lie to myself and the world.

How can anyone know how far we've come until they've seen where we've been?

So here I am. On the internet. About to tell you my secrets. I have no idea who reads this, cares about this, or will find me offensive or think of me differently after this. I refuse to let myself cower away from the truth.The only person I should have to worry about judging me is God and I know fully that is not how He does things. He keeps no record of wrongs so why should anyone else. Well here it goes...

One time I finished a homework assignment 3 weeks after it was due and put it under the teacher's desk like he accidentally dropped it......I got an A on that assignment.

Since I started working at Taco Bell it's all that I eat.

I peed my bed and my pants off and on until 5th grade.

I have been drunk one time in my life...and I threw up on someone.

I've stolen something from a store.

Sometimes I can't stand the fact that I can't see God

I know so many people yet I always feel so alone.

 At one point in my life I believed I was in love with one of my guy friends.

I have told myself that the reason I've never had a boyfriend isn't because I am not pretty, funny, smart, worth it, or because I talk too much....but because I've made myself become one of the 'bros'. And at times I really wonder if there is anyone out there for me.

I'm going to a Christian school and I'm scared of not fitting in.
I'm nervous about being judged for my tattoo
 and that those who attend won't show
the same Grace as
they preach

I feel like the "last resort" friend. The friend that people remember when they've run out of options.

When I was five years old I was molested. I never told anyone.
I thought for the longest time that it was a
dream and that I was making it up.
I didn't understand what it meant or that it was wrong.
As I've grown up, I've felt like I have grown stronger because of it
so I didn't feel the need for it to be made a big deal.

 In the last few months I went to Australia, fell apart there, gained my faith back in abundance,
moved in with my best friend, lost her and my Godson due to something ridiculous,
got accepted to the school of my dreams, lost friends, and sometimes don't know
why I've had to go through so much bad. That I've been focusing so
much on God that I feel like He should bless me, like I
somehow deserve it.

I really thought my [ex]best friend and I would be best friends forever.

MY biggest fear is dying before getting married and having children.

I feel that God has called me into the field of youth ministries
and I am on the path towards becoming a youth pastor
but I feel like so many people are judging
me. I don't think some people take
my relationship with God seriously
or my ambitions.Sometimes I am
even doubting if I'll be able 
to Carry the Call. It 
scares me so much.

It makes me sad that I give so much love to people and all they can focus
on is the bad or weird in me.

I'm one of the easiest people to make fun of and 
while it really doesn't affect me most of
the time, I wish people would
treat me nicer.

ometimes I get really jealous that other girls can put together an outfit with their eyes closed and I take so much time trying to get ready in the morning and they still look perfect.

I get nervous praying out loud because I feel like
I'm critiquing what I say and thinking
too much about it rather than 
Letting Go
Letting God.

These are just some of the things I have had bottled inside of me. I urge you to tell someone your secrets. Feel free to share yours with me anonymously or publicly. Check out the postsecret online. Don't be so afraid of what people will think of you.  Jesus was ridiculed throughout His life and He felt peace with it and still loved all those who beat and bruised Him, physically and emotionally. I don't assume that everyone reading this will be okay with any of the above. Some might laugh, others concerned, others cry. I don't have a clue. I just refuse to be the girl who was too scared to share that I had to take my life to prove to people that I am someone worth loving and worth knowing. This isn't me being WEAK. This is me being strong enough to understand how beautiful life is. Please never feel like you aren't worth it. You were worth the ultimate sacrifice. He died so you would live. Never take that for granted. I might not know you but I love you. I've never seen you, yet I feel for you. Encourage each other. Love you all.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Life Worth Living

Where has the time gone? 

Life is the most interesting thing I've ever been a part of. Life can be viewed as sort of a relationship. At times we love it, hate it, savor it, ruin it, want to have it forever, and sometimes wish it never existed. It's so hard trying to convince yourself how truly blessed we all are to even be living. Life is precious and we are so undeserving of it.

In the last year and a half I've been through some of the best and worst times of all my 19 years on Earth. I've been tempted and as a result gave into that temptation. I've gained some amazing new people in my life as well as losing some I never pictured not being there. I've struggled with my faith and  have come to know God on a level I never dreamed possible. I went on an adventure of a lifetime gone bad and then got accepted to the school of my dreams. I've realized so much about myself and pray continuously that I will grow in all areas over the course of this next year.

A new school, new friends, current friends, new city, NU beginnings. Life means everything to me. I know I was given a special gift and I should really send a Thank You card to God. Life without purpose is no life at all. Why are we on Earth? What's the point. I wish I could know the plans He has for me. But that's for Him to know and me to find out I suppose. Why are certain people in my life? Who are my real friends? What shenanigans will I get myself into next? I'm so privileged to not know what my future holds. If I knew exactly how the rest of my life would pan out, what's the point in living. It's like watching a movie and that jerk friend telling you the best parts.

I urge everyone to live for right now. Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow. Take advantage of what you've been given today. Far too many people have left this Earth in recent times. I vow to never let someone know how much they meant to my life via their deceased Facebook page. While I think it's beautiful that people come together to honor a person who was such a light in their lives, I wonder. I wonder why they didn't know those things before they were gone. I wonder if Heaven has Facebook. Could you imagine what Jesus's relationship status must look like?

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it".-Psalm 118:24

Understand that nobody is promised to make it until morning. Always remind those you love that you do in fact love them. Stop holding back from the blessings you've been presented with. We have one life to live here, make it worth it. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are worth dying for, so make your life worth living for.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

All you need is Love.

What is love? Well if you know anything about me, you'd know I'd say that my definition of love is Jesus.

With that said, the Lover of my soul is okay with sharing me. At some point in this thing called life, I believe there is someone that was destined at the beginning of time especially made for me. Together for the rest of our lives and eternity, God willing. He might not be 6'3", tan as "The Situation", and stand outside my window singing me love songs; He is, however, the most important man in my life second to Jesus.

Dating. Why do we do it?

To get experience

                           Be in Love

                                              Get prepared and ready so when we find who we're supposed to spend forever with....


It's been a very interesting 19 years I've spent on this earth. I've had fun. I've been through Hell and it reminded me that Heaven is the right place for me. I guess you could say I've had a couple...flings. A two week relationship at 15. A 3 month I'mnotevensurewhatocallit at 17. The only thing I left those with we're funny stories. Did I get my heart broken? Absolutely not. Did I hold onto my purity because I knew those boys weren't worth my innocence. Yes. Dating seems so trivial to me in high school and if not emotionally mature, at any time in our lives. What's the point of dating?

"You get to know somebody." don't know who you're dating? Not saying you need to know every detail of their lives. Wait. You just met him a month ago and you just want to "get to know him." Why? "To know what you want in future relationships." Oh okay, so you're planning on ending this. Very nice. I'm sure he/she will feel great when they realize they were just an experiment. Just a stepping stone to who they are really supposed to be with. This one is my favorite. "To get experience." What kind of experience? Physical experience? "Well...what if I don't know how to kiss?" "Be a good partner" "....have...s...e...x..." Well sweetie, I'm pretty sure you'll figure it out one way or another.

Why do we let ourselves break each other's heart. More often than not, we know our relationship is going to end. Your 16. Are you really going to stay together forever? Probably not. Sure you will learn something from this relationship. You'll learn that you just wasted your time and their time on a journey to a place you knew you'd end up at all along. The end.

Girls are a rare and interesting breed. We already have our cake, bridesmaids, flower arrangement, colors, veil, first dance song, and vows picked out...all we're waiting for is the groom. We try to find him in every guy we see. I'll be the first to admit I've seen a guy I've never seen before and will probably never see again pass me on the sidewalk and instantly see the rest of our lives together. "Wow we would make some pretty attractive babies." "He would go perfect with my dress..." I don't know why we do it, but that's a woman for you. Thinking 12 steps ahead

When people ask me about why I haven't dated or don't date it makes me laugh. Don't get me wrong on my crazy lady date rant you just read. I'm not against dating. In high school I didnt date. Why? Not because I'm some weird prude feminist who doesn't need a man to complete her[even though I dont]. I didn't date mostly  because I never really was put in the position to date.Sure I liked boys...a lot, but it just never was in the cards for me.Nobody asked me out. I barely got asked to prom my senior year. Did I feel set apart from everyone else at school because of bet. But want to know the best part about being on the outside? You have the front row seat to "the inside". I watched friends and classmates dissipate in their relational turmoil. Wait...he cheated on her? They did WHAT? He broke my heart. She's such a slut.

Looking back at it all. Did I really need to be included in all of that? Definitely not. Did I really need to have sex with him, just to realize what I already knew. Did I need to find my security in a boy holding me and telling me he loved me then turning around and taking it back? Did I need emotional baggage? That would be a big no-no. While everyone else was busy trying to captivate the heart of the quarterback, my focus was set on giving my heart and soul to the Creator of the universe.

I'm  n i n e t e e n years old and I still don't know if I'm ready to enter the world of "dating". I'm not looking to date for a boyfriend. I'm dating for a husband. I know some guys will see this and say "woah there little lady, ahead of yourself much?" Nah. Because that boy who grew up and became a man. A man worthy of what my Savior created me to find will understand and God's hands will hold us together forever. Guarding my heart was a promise I not only made to myself and to God, but to my husband in question. I want Him to not be the product of failed relationships because I was so insecure that I just N E E D E D someone to tell me I was worth what Jesus already died for me to prove.

Take a good look at your relationship right now or ones you plan to have in the future. Can you look at them and say..."I can see myself marrying you". Really think about it. Don't let the person you are supposed to end up with carry all the baggage you emotionally bring in from past relationships. It's not fair to them or to you. You're worth more than that. You're worth dying for. So until you can find someone you can see spend the rest of your life with and is worth YOU dying for, maybe you need to reconsider your options.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Here Comes The Son.

My whole world was changed when I realized I had to give my life for the One I loved because He gave His life for the one He loved.

Light up the sky and show me you are with me.
If you read my blogs, I'm sure by now you realize that my relationship with my best friend and Savior is without a doubt the most important one for now and all of eternity. I plan on dedicating my life to showing His love. Whether that be screaming it loud for everyone to hear or simply being a friend to someone. This blog doesn't give me enough characters in the universe to explain my deep love for the Redeemer of my soul.

I'm not one of those believers who will try to convince you of what I believe in because I don't think you can force anyone to love something if they don't want to. My job on this Earth is to be a friend to anyone and everyone that gives me the chance. If by chance I'm asked what is the cause for my happiness and drive in life, I'll gladly tell them of the beautiful human who loved me enough to die for me.

So much is going on in my world right now. I have to physically remind myself that it will get better and that I don't need to worry. I have my support with me at all times and that worrying is just a down payment on something bad that hasn't happened yet. I wish I could just pour out everything going on right now, in depth, and out for everyone to hear, but I just can't do that at this point in my life.

I have a testimony. A path that I traveled on my road to Jesus. Keeping it all inside me, just God and I knowing, I thought was enough for me. Why is it anyone's business about my past, my tribulations, my pain, and my walk in faith. I don't think I ever felt the need to tell anyone because nobody ever asked. Until extremely recently. I hope to find another person that I am able to open up to and release all those feelings within my soul.Until I said it out loud for another human being to hear, I never really realized just how beautiful of a God I have to get me through all those things.We weren't meant to keep everything within us. I still need to get to that point of being able to share it again, but I know that I will never forget that night. I feel so blessed that I was able to share something as precious as my testimony with another person. It really is an extremely liberating experience for anyone who gets the chance to do it.

My family for the last 7 years.
Something I never saw coming has been placed on my heart rather recently. Ever since I could talk I knew I wanted to be a teacher. The idea of helping the next generation learn lessons and understand life was exactly what I've always wanted to do. Towards the end of high school I knew I still wanted to have that impact, but in a different way. I love performing. I don't know if I'm very good at it, but I sure love it. I wanted to be able to do what I loved while still giving that influence I had hoped for all the years before. In the last week, what I believe Jesus planned for me before the beginning of time, has been laid upon my heart.

As I glanced through the pages of the Northwest University catalog at my intended major of: Communications with a concentration in media studies and drama, wasn't what I felt was the right thing to leap into. I still love that part of my life. I want to incoporate that somehow, but I know that is definitely not what God intended for my life. After searching through all the other majors, one stuck out like a sore thumb to me: Youth Ministries. I have talked here and there with friends about how I would love somehow to be involved with youth ministries for the rest of my life, but nothing like this. After looking at the classes I would be taking and praying and thinking about it I realized that it is exactly what I want to do for the rest of my life...well at least until another curveball gets thrown my way! I get to be around people my age[right now], show them God loves them in a fun and exciting way they can understand, and absolutely love my job. The title of "Youth Pastor" still scares me.

Thank you Adam for being an amazing man of God.
Can I do it? Am I cut out for it? Can I really picture myself doing what Rick, Peter, and Adam have done for me over the last 7 years. Will my tattoo hinder me from this? Is this REALLY what Jesus wants for me? I feel like if it is meant to be, it's meant to be and I should stop worrying so much about all the little things. I'm so excited to see what school and this decision have in store for me. I feel like it will be a challenge, but I am SO ready.

Ending this now, because I could definitely go on forever, I just want to say a few things. From here on out I want to publicly express that I will do my best to be more of a person I would want to be around. I know in the past that things that I say and do put ideas of a person I know that I'm not in people's minds. I've been dealing this very magnified in the last few months and I don't want to be that person. If you have those thoughts of me in your head, please let me start new and be the person I was created to be, not the person I created in myself. Finally I ask for your prayer. With all that is going on right now I really need a few things: Jesus, friends, prayer, and support. I know there is absolutely no way I can handle all that I'm going through by myself.

Please Jesus, take on what I cant. Savior of my soul. My best friend. My eternity. Father.

Hold my hand and never let me go. I love you with my heart,soul, and mind.

You are, the universe. You are, everyone on earth.

All I need is You.

In your name I pray, amen.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away.

This world is an extremely dark place. 
In constant overcast from the series of storms consuming our lives.
 A whole new world is traded when what is most important is not at the center.

It is 12:56am on Sunday September 11,2011. Ten years ago and six hours from now I was in a living room eating cOOOOOOOkie crisp and not watching Bob the Builder with the neighbor kids before just another day of 4th grade. There was seriously something wrong. What could be more important than Bob the Builder. Why was the news on? Wait...what. Something big just happened? Excuse me. My 9th birthday is in four days. This totally ruined my big day. Cool.

The biggest storm of our nation in recent times and people still can't seem to get the mud out of their clothes. The downpour outside just won't stop. It's gotten better, but continues to fall, drop by drop. For some of us, our loved ones were swept away by this terrible monsoon, while the rest of us sat in our homes and watched the weather channel showing the damage this storm had done to our beloved nation. And for some of us, we're still waiting for those people to come inside and get dry.

We all have so many storms that we go through. Some drench us to our core, creating crazy floods and intense winds. They seem like they'll never stop. We try to get through them by ourselves. We often forget that there is an umbrella. An umbrella to protect us when we need it most. The storm will pass in time but it's so much easier carrying that umbrella. It's there to help us through the storm. To protect us. To shelter us from the downpour and the ugly overcast going on outside our protective shell.

 When we realize we aren't waterproof and asking for help through this crazy and upsetting turmoil in our lives, we will not only get through the storm, but exit dry and beaming with the sunlight we had been kept from. Jesus is,was, and always will be your umbrella. The storm itself is unevitable, but how you choose to endure that storm is your decision.

In the storm, He reigns.
Matthew 8:23-27

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Going Going Gone.

It's official. I am no longer a piece of Australian history. Not that I did anything history worthy for the country of Australia, but I sometimes liked to think so. I know the entire 40 day experience changed my whole world into something beautiful and new. I've never been as happy as I currently am. Well, lie. Currently I am sitting in the Salt Lake City International Airport awaiting the end of this crazy long journey. I'm not too stoked about life at the moment as I feel like I'm dying rather fastl, due to lack of sleep. I'll survive. I will survive. But really, I'm so incredibly happy. Not the kind of happy that makes the ends of your mouth turn up, but the kind that makes your heart feel. The kind of happiness you just cant describe to anyone else. You'd think after this entire ordeal my spirits would be crushed.


After all, I spent my whole life wanting to go, get out, make something of myself, do something wild and wonderful. The fact that I came home didn't ruin all those things I wanted. It in fact made all those immensely stronger. I wanted to go---I went. I wanted to get out---I did. I wanted to make something of myself---I feel as if I was reborn again. I wanted to do something wild and wonderful---if that's not exactly what this was, I'm so lost in my view of beauty.  I will never forget my 40 days laying on the beach, going through more emotions than I thought I had in me, realizing how much my loved ones meant to me, have a better understanding of my future and most importantly renewing my vows with the love of my life. It was a wake up call to so many things I just didn't care about. Being a nicer, optimistic, full of life type person. Something sick an twisted  inside of me keeps telling me words I never thought I'd hear myself say. You know  something big had to happen.This was definitely the most excitingly crazy intense test of faith I've ever  had. I didn't even get to study.

Pop quiz on life. I'm pretty sure I passed. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Date with God

A whole new world openenes up when I met You.

So, I've been in this long term relationship for about seven years now. We've had our ups and downs, but when it comes down to it, we love each other to eternity and beyond. I finally found the One Man who could finish my thoughts before I could even think them, tell me I'm beautiful without saying a word, and make me fall in Love harder than I ever thought I could. Yesterday...we went on our very first date.

Sure, we have been in a relationship for quite some time, but never formally have we been on a date. Maybe that's why our relationship had those rocky times. We never took out specific times to reconnect, just the two of us. Alright, back to the good stuff. So it was yesterday, September 1, 2011. It was a beautiful, scorching winter day in the land of Joeys and old men in speedos( Thank God my man doesn't wear those). I had just got the best tan of my life. This day couldn't get any better, right? Wrong.

At that moment I was quite charmingly asked to spend some alone time with my Love. Of course I said yes. It was out first official date! This was so exciting! I went in the house, put my makeup on, hair up, got in my best clothes (j.biebs jacket) and we went to the park. He told me I was beautiful. He already knows how I feel about Him but I wanted to tell Him over and over again anyways. Oh oh oh, want to know more about Him?

Well not to brag or anything, BUT He is a Best Selling Author. I know right? Pretty impressive! He dances with me in the Storm and kisses me in the rain. He tells me everything will be okay no matter how I feel in that moment. He's a planner, always trying to tell me His plan and quite honestly, sometimes I just don't want to listen. He is pretty smart though. He can create everything out of nothing. It's quite miraculous. When I ask Him to be with me, He just is. I don't have to force him or try to earn His love.

He's a doctor. He heals those who need Him most. He loves my singing voice. I sing to Him often. I actually sang to Him on our date...out loud! If he didn't care who heard, why should I? It was about Him and I in that moment and I didn't care who heard. He has the best taste in music. I'm pretty sure Hillsong is our favorite :). He is the best advice giver and always knows the right things to say. He shows me that purity is the healthiest for my heart and constantly reminds me to guard it. He loves my tattoos. I know they say don't get tattoos for people you're in relationship with, but this is an exception!

He forgives me. He knows I mess up, but He loves me unconditionally anyways. There is nothing I have ever done, am doing , or will do that will make Him love me less. Oh! He also is a dad. He has tons of children! That's okay, it might take some patience on my end to love all of them as much as He does, but I'm working on it. He lets me see the beauty in life, even when it seems so ugly. He teaches me to love and not pass judgment. He gives me gifts. So many! The most precious gift He could ever give me was the gift of Grace. I knew then, just how much He really loved me. I know I don't have to be afraid of the darkness anymore because He will always carry the light to show me the way.

So, as we sat on that bench; we read, we sang, we walked, we talked, we just loved. On the playground in front of us I noticed there was graffitti all over it. It broke my heart and showed me just how much darkness there is in this world. Then I looked up and saw the most beautiful display of clouds painted across the sky. "ITS SO FLUFFFFFY". He has a sense of humor too. Thank God for that. I wish I could just share Him with the whole world. Lots of people just don't understand Him or want to understand Him.

I guess that makes sense. You can't really know someone unless you really invest your time into them. He can be intimidating, trust me I know. I never know if I say the right things to Him, live the way He thinks I should, or do what I know He wants me to do. But through all those technicalities there is love.

He is Love.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Mo' Money Mo' Problems.

I'm starting to realize this whole new world doesn't come at a wholesale price.

I'm so excited for the future right now. I have 15 days left Down Unda and I'm so anxiously awaiting home. The weather here is awful. I don't want to lay on the beach while it feels like I'm taking a shower as the rain attacks my face. What else is there to do when you're broke, jobless, and it's raining in Australia?

Think about how much debt school will bring you.

Well, thanks ladies. :).
You're a little early, but that's okay!
Oh, maybe that's just me? So as absolutely excited I am to attend the school of my dreams in 154 days[who's counting?] I can't help but think about finances. Choosing a $30,000 a year school I couldn't possibly think that it would come easy. Loans, scholarships, grants, kind donations from my loved ones...(that means you). As I've talked to my advisor he ensures me we will get this all figured out. He will help me the best he can. I have almost all the information he needs from me. Soon enough I will be choosing classes, looking at dorms, and before I know it I will be in a beautiful little town just outside the city lights of Seattle, Washington.

As stressed as I think I am, another part of me knows that I will be taken care of. If there is anything this new whirlwind adventure has taught me, it's that with faith, anything is possible. Sure things didn't work out here.Sure I gave up everything I had. Sure I was so distraught with the thought of having to come home because there was simply no other options. Sure I couldn't even imagine what my friend's faces and reactions would look like. I felt like a failure. But then I remembered I had the best therapist the world has ever known. Jesus. Amen.HOLLA....lujah. :). I've also started a little vlog on youtube if any of my readers are interested in joining in/subscribing/ giving some feedback. I think it could be a really good thing for a lot of people who might love Jesus but the idea of "church" just is not for them as well as anyone interested ;).
(youtube URL for my channel)

I'll wait out the next 15 days. Come home.Get some jobs under my belt. Make mo' money. Apply my butt off for loans and scholarships and receive your lovely donations made out to the Hannah Going To College fund. I'm not worried. The rest of my life is just out of reach. 


Monday, August 22, 2011

A Whole New Beginning

Turns out my whole new world was returning to my old one.

If you follow this blog or are my friend on Facebook you probably think I'm crazy at this point. I wouldn't blame you. "So let me get this left everything on a leap of faith only to quit your job, be broke, and come back after barely a month?" Yup.

Australia isn't where I belong, at least not right now. In the short amount of time I've been here I've experienced so much. I don't mean I experienced the outback, Sydney Harbor, or kangaroos. What I mean is that I've gone through so many emotions and confusion and frustration than I could ever imagine. This was "just a test". I watched a podcast last night with my friends here about worry and learning to be calm through the storm because it is only "just a test". This isn't the end of the world, God doesn't have something against me, this is a test of my faith. In this crazy time would I choose to worry and let my circumstance overcome me or would I let my faith overcome my circumstance.

Faith prevails over all else. God always has my back no matter what. I suppose you were wondering what comes next. Well you see this morning I had two options, as a matter of fact I had many options, none of them being coming home. I didn't want to come home, not yet. I wasn't starting Northwest University until next FALL, why would I come home to nothing when I could go somewhere else and still have my adventure before I set off to school next year? It just made no sense to me. Then God came through again. I got in touch with my advisor at NU and he informed me that I would be able to attend in the Spring of 2012 if everything went well.
My world
This changed everything. I now had 3 1/2 months before my dream came true instead of a whole year. It's my time to come home. Will I be back to Australia? Absolutely. I know that this is what I'm meant to do. I have the support of my best friend when I return as she has opened up her home to me until I can figure something else out. I have complete happiness and no regrets as I leave to journey once again to the other side of the world. I will be home September 12,2011. PERFECT. Three days before my birthday, which I'll get to spend with my favorite people in the world. 

Our dreams are completely overrated. God's plan is underestimated. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Life doesn't wait for you, so stop waiting for it.

A whole new world can be seen by simply closing your eyes.

This is a fast little blog about how much we tend to take for granted. This adventure has taught me many things in a short amount of time. As I'm laying in the sun, experiencing the first truly beautiful Australian sun, listening to Hillsong and just being, I'm reminded that I have so much. Rather than focusing on all the things I have been yearning so much to experience while here, just sitting back and letting it all come to me I'm getting my spirit back. I've been so discouraged and regretful about coming here for way too long.

When I dream at night I dream of my friends at home and how their lives are starting over just as mine has. Maybe they aren't going halfway around the world to experience it, but God works anywhere. To those starting college, I'm so excited for you! It's definitely a different experience than anything you've seen before. It's the big leagues now. For those at Northwest, please get things ready and going for my arrival next year. I'm so ready.

It's easy to be stuck in the past and try to create what's to come, but to truly live for what is now and what's happening can be the biggest obstacle. Sometimes we just need to close our eyes and let life happen.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

There's No Place Like Home.

I thought this whole new world meant leaving my old one.

I'm not so sure anymore if the intent I had coming here was ever the intent at all. In my mind I believed coming here would be exciting, eye opening, thrilling, set in stone, getting me away from everything I ever knew and opening my eyes to a whole new world, however, I think that is the complete opposite.

I've been thinking a lot today and I think my reason for coming here was not to get away from all that I had. Yes, it's been an extremely interesting few weeks. Whether that's good or bad. It just is. I've started to realize that maybe the reason I was called to be here was to see how people on the same Earth could be so different and more importantly to accept what I previously had. I think I took my surroundings for granted.
my world.

I'm still in the process of figuring everything out. I don't have any money to get home. Things going through my mind if I stay here: what am I going to do? I know God has His plan and if it is for me to stay then I'll stay, if I need to come home. I'll come home. In terms of getting another job, it's a lot more difficult than I thought. The only real opportunity for me here would be nannying again. Is 6 months of something I know isn't going to pay well instead of coming home, getting two jobs, working my very hardest to start Northwest by Fall worth it?

One thing I would ask of all those in my life, just one thing...would be: support me. You do not have to agree with me. You can think I'm ruining a once in a lifetime adventure. You can think whatever you'd like. Please though, please support my decision. All I have been feeling from a lot of my friends is such negativity. If you don't understand what is going on, please ask me. You still not might understand fully why things are the way they are, but like I said, just be there for me and don't make me feel like I'm not trying hard enough and like a failure. One friend started on Facebook a "FREE Hannah" campaign. It's incredibly sweet and I appreciate it more than anything. I wont give up here. I'll keep trying to understand if being here is even my intended purpose. I pray so much that God shows me where I'm supposed to be. I'm beginning to think that

A whole new world was something I created
rather than focusing on the

Friday, August 12, 2011

In Transit.

A whole new world is around the corner from confusion and just behind frustration.

In my stagnant stage of this journey at first was extremely unsettling to me. I have always had the mentality of needing to be entertained always and have things happen when I wanted them to happen. I keep forgetting I believe in a God who has His own timing and direction. 

I've been here two weeks and I'm missing people more than ever. I knew and I know that I can do this for six months without feeling "homesick", however, I thought that meant having more contact with back home. Just the thought of having the people I love thinking of me gives me comfort. I crave their communication in whatever way that may be. Phone calls, text messages, heytells, Facebook, anything. Between all that's been going on since I've been here, all I want to do is talk to home and feel the comfort of normalcy. I'm constantly checking my phone and my Facebook in hopes of hearing a familiar voice or seeing a familiar name. 

Besides all of the complaining I could do about this place, maybe I'm not looking close enough into why God has opened this window for me. It's hard to be truly thankful and grateful for what we have. We are never completely satisfied in what we do. This is where I have noticed God coming into the picture. While I'm here trying to create my own destiny, I'm missing out experiencing the true paradise of this unknown world. Everything I've complained about while here have all been man made, man created, man destroyed establishments. The one place I've gone continuously and have truly seen beauty and a glimpse of the reason I'm here is at the ocean shores. Laying at the foot of a vast and mysterious ocean I'm not troubled or stressed. 

I go to the Hillsong church again tomorrow morning for the Sunday service and I am beyond excited. Something about Hillsong has always resonated with me. They to this day are the only band that I could listen to all day every day and never get tired of hearing it. Every word they sin, I get chills. i FEEL God when I hear them, it's absolutely stunning and a feeling I could never explain. The mixture of their incredible voices and their unbelievable love for God make them so appealing. 

Speaking of Hillsong. In this time of transition and figuring out where I'm going on this journey I have one place on my mind: Sydney. I'm looking into nanny agencies down there to hopefully find a better fit and actually prosper financially.

Her and I definitely need actual pictures of just us
together. Don't mind the crazy person in the back.
We don't know him.
 Back to why this has anything to do with Hillsong. One of my very dearest friends, Devyn 'DEVO' Johnsen is attending the Hillsong College there. I am so excited and am really hoping thats where God wants me to be! Let me go off on a little DEVO tangent real quick hurrr now. Miss Devyn Elise has become one of my greatest friends. I still to this second can't even believe we are friends. 1 year ago I felt the exact opposite way of how I do right now. I told her this, but I really think we are a prime example of the miracles God creates for us to see every day. I'm so blessed beyond belief to have her and people like her in my life. I can't wait until she is here with me :).

Next. So I've been thinking tattoos once again….;). In my head I keep fighting with myself. I keep thinking about other people. What will they think? They probably think I have too much. They probably will think I'm weird. They they they. I personally think there is nothing wrong with tattoos. I think that getting them JUST to get them could be a little overboard. However, they are a form of expression. They are kind of like Facebook. You put things all over your wall. If you don't want anyone to see them, then don't put them up for everyone to see. You can learn a lot about people by what they look like. Whether that be how much makeup they wear/dont wear, style of clothing, and tattoos. I've been trying to decide what I wanted for quite awhile now. I've had ideas but this one kept creepin' in the back of my head. I think the reason I kept it back there was because I felt like more words on my body would make me look like a novel. If it is done the correct way, I know that I won't worry so much about it. Another thought in my mind was: both of my other tattoos are clearly symbolic and unique in their own ways and this one would not be as in depth as the others. Once again, the more it resonates in my mind the more I know it's what I want to do.

Oh…you actually want to hear the idea? My bad. So I want a cross (how cliche, I know), with the word Overcome under it or around it or however I see it fit. Why 'overcome'? God overcoming the cross for me.Overcoming hurdles in my life with God by my side. The things I will overcome through Christ and Christ alone. Overcoming my fear in this current journey. Overcoming what the world wants for me. I could go on all day. I've been thinking my wrist is where I want to put it, but I'm so nervous to put it on my arm. I don't even understand why. Is it because it's too noticeable and out there? That brings two things to my brain. If I was ashamed to let people see it, why should I get it if I keep it tucked away scared of what the world thinks and I have a tattoo on my chest for the whole world to see unless I'm wearing a turtleneck and I'm scared about my wrist? That's just silly. Anyways. Those are my thoughts. 

Week two down under and still sitting in transit is getting less unsettling to me. I'm starting to understand that there really is something here that was specifically planned for me, by Him, and I just need to trust Him more now than ever before.

Start listening to what He has to say.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Strong Enough.

A whole new world can be connected when you let God take the reigns.

So as most people know, or at least anyone who follows this blog, I'm in Australia! Yeah, sounds exciting, I know. I've been here just over a week and I'm not so sure. God works in mysterious ways that we will never be able to wrap our heads around.

My journey began when I felt I was being called to Australia, for whatever reason that might have been. I took a huge leap of faith. I gave all my earthly posessions and worries to the One who turns water into wine. I knew that whatever purpose I had in going there would all be part of His master plan. So, I arrived and was so excited! I was on the other side of the world. I still haven't been able to grasp the thought of that. Moving on. I arrived and was greeted by the family with open arms! I was ready to take on this new journey and learn so much about myself and the world around me. is where some people might or already have had their speculation about.

In the short span of a week I have made to what most people might call a hasty decision. I'm transitioning out of the currently family I nanny for. The reasons for me doing this are in abundance, and not really anyones business :). Am I coming home? Not yet. I have been so blessed with an amazing family who is 100% behind my decision and are doing all they can to ensure that I'm happy, safe, and valued while I'm in Australia. Last night I went to the Hillsong Church in Brisbane and felt God SO much. I knew in that moment that it was where I was supposed to be with who I was supposed to be with.

You must
You must think I'm strong
To give me what I'm going through

Well, forgive me
Forgive me if I'm wrong
But this looks like more than I can do
On my own

I've learned to lean on God now more than ever. We CANT do things on our own. It's okay to ask for help.

The most negative criticism I've gotten throughout this whole ordeal would be, "Hannah this is irresponsible." Is it though? Is it viewed this way in the eyes of the world? Is it more important that I be responsible to the plans God has for me or what the world thinks? God always PWNS. 

These lyrics have been so engraved into my head the last month.

You are more, You are more
Than my words will ever say
You are Lord, You are Lord
All creation will proclaim
You are here, You are here
In your presence I'm made whole
You are God, You are God
Of all else I'm letting go

Oh, I'm running to your arms
I'm running to arms
The riches of your love
Will always be enough
Nothing compares to Your embrace
Light of the world forever reign

My heart will sing
no other name
Jesus, Jesus

NOTHING compares to Your embrace, Light of the world.

forever reign.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bird's Eye View.

Who knew perspective could transport you into a whole new world?

The day is finally here. This is the day I begin my journey of a lifetime. One day I will tell my kids and grandkids about the amazing adventure I embarked on when I was "young and free". 

I woke up this morning at 6:39 due to immense excitement. I tried filling my time with long overdue homework, Facebook, and just sitting. I thought maybe it would hit me this morning that I was in fact ACTUALLY leaving. I said more goodbyes and so happy to have the last couple hours of my time at home with some of my best friends.

We arrived at Spokane International Airport right on time, got me checked in, and through security. As I tumbled through the metal detector and re-collected my liquids and electronics, I looked back at my beautiful friends. I'm quite proud of myself actually for not crying, as that's all I know how to do lately. I finally boarded my tiny plane, destination:Seattle.

I finally arrived in Seattle. I had just successfully survived my second ever airplane ride (1st was when I was two years old). It wasn't everything I thought it would be, but I definitely got a rush of excitement as I saw our shadow elevate into the sky and out of all I've known for the last 7 years. As I looked out the window, everything looked SO small. I had never actually looked at something from bird's eye view.

I felt free. I felt like I was playing house and I controlled this little, make-believe world below me. As the clouds we're just at my fingertips and mountain tops just past my reach I knew this journey was becoming a reality. I just felt a little bit of turbulence in the plane and my heart jumped. Just following my scare, John Wall began to play on my ipod and all was well in the world. One more hour until I land in the place I called home for 11 years and haven't seen since moving to beautiful Idaho. Cali baby. Sure I can't leave the airport and experience all that I've missed, but the terminal will do just fine.

The view flying above LA made my face temporarily glued to my window. I couldn't believe how incredible it looked. I cant wait to go back someday! LAX is close to a war zone. I was there 3 hours before my flight and STILL almost missed my airplane Finally onboard and ready for FIJI! Apparently I missed the memo on how to lean my seat back. Needless to say, I was the only person on t he plane awake the whole time :). Finally in Fiji. Most beautiful place in the 

 WORLD…well thus far :). The man sitting next to me on the plane talked to me the entire four hour flight. He and his church are part of this organization against violence towards women. He reminded me that I have rights under women and that God doesn't see me as a gender, but as his prize.

What made me most excited about our talk was that I never  told him I was a Christian. He just knew somehow. I thought that was incredible. It made me happy :). FINALLY off the plane and TOUCHDOWN, hello australia :). I found my family and off we go! So far so good[that seems to be my motto on this adventure thus far]. We went to Seaworld and had a BLAST. The kids and I are bonding amazingly already and the parents are great! Official first day, first stop:church. There is an American singer coming to play in worship today! SO excited. Until next time. <3

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What If Your Blue Is My Yellow?

A whole new world can be opened up when you learn more about each other. The title of this particular blog started out as an inside joke, but really got me thinking. What if your blue IS my yellow?

What if what you see isn't what I see? What if everything we think or thought we knew about people had much more underneath it. What if your truth is my lies? What if everyone was completely transparent with those around them? How much do we really know about one another? In the last month I have learned a ton more about myself and who I am and what I stand for.

One day that will be stuck in my mind forever will be last night, 7/19/2011. I had the most amazing, transparent, liberating, incredible conversation I've ever had with anyone in my entire life. Every factor going into that conversation, I believe made it that much more special. Thinking about it I still can't believe I said some of the things I said and heard. The original intent of the conversation gave me no inkling that it would turn into something so mind blowing. When I heard what they had to say, my heart sunk, I felt so honored to be hearing what I heard. When it came to my turn to talk I was a little hesitant, for I wasn't used to having this conversation.

The more I talked, the more free I felt. I didn't have to hold back. I had someone I was being completely transparent with and it felt absolutely amazing. I felt God working in both of our lives and after the conversation was over I couldnt stop praying and spending time with God thanking Him for that conversation. It's a very weird feeling---post conversation. I feel like a huge piece of me, a piece of my past, a piece of my future has been taken and given to me. In addition an amazing new person has become a bigger figure in my life.

This might be confusing to a lot of people, but that's alright. I knew it was something I needed to write about. A huge day in my life, one that I'll never ever forget.

What if your blue IS my yellow...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Who Is That Girl I See?

Who would have thought a whole new world was hiding behind the mask of insecurity? This is definitely more of a random blog, but it was on my heart and I felt like expressing it.

Something I have always prided myself on was not having insecurities. I often look at other girls and even boys and get so frusturated as they tear themselves apart, inch by inch. I've always told myself, " I love you just the way God made you." While for the most part I agree with this, lately I have begun to turn into those people I never thought I'd be.

Since I was probably in kindergarten I got called things like "monkey" and "crater face. At the beginning it absolutely bugged me, but as time went on I just got used to people being mean to me. It really didnt phase me. In high school I'm surprised I didnt have some crazy complex from the vile things people said to me. I didnt know the 5th grade, so apparently I looked dirty and needed to take a shower. I was TOO skinny and was called names like Hannarexic. Kids are cruel.

For the longest time, it was my teeth. They were crooked, they were sticking out, they were ugly and I hated what I saw. Although it never became major issue and smiling was my number one facial expression, I still couldn't stand them. I got braces which really excited me, but then after awhile I resented them. I knew I wanted them in the beginning, but now I just wanted them off. I started wearing more makeup. I didnt connect the two at first, but I now realize I was trying to cover up the insecurity of my mouth by bringing the attention to my face.

Finally my braces came off and I knew that was the last step in my tranformation. That was the only big insecurity I had ever had and it was now over. Right after they came off, I remember looking in the mirror as I applied my makeup that morning and thought...I'm ugly. I thought these words AFTER I had put on my makeup. I began to dislike what I looked like with makeup on. The less I put on, the prettier I felt. I would go out in public as soon as I woke up. My looks are no longer a priority in my life. I'm not sure the exact reason why, but I dont want to fight it.

This is me as I'm writing this blog :)
I loved waking up this morning, going upstairs, brushing my teeth, and leaving. It was probably the prettiest I felt in a very long time. Granted, all day I've been doing dreaded and way overdue summer homework so getting out hasn't been a priority, I wish it had been. I took a picture of myself at this exact moment in time. No makeup, hair up, chillin in a sweater, no cares in the world.

Insecurity has been given a whole new meaning to me in the last several months and that could possibly be the reason for my dramatic new point of view of myself. I think having insecurities are healthy. If we didnt, our lives would be perfect and there would be no room to lean on God. I agree we shouldn't let our insecurities totally rule our lives and I think this is God's way of bringing me closer to Him. I understand this is a very random way of bringing this to my attention. However, if I cant love myself in the way He made me, in a way am I mocking Him?

Right out of the shower.

Yes, I'll probably still wear makeup. I'm not totally disregarding it, but definitely a minimal amount. I know I'm beautiful, because I was made in the image of Jesus. A whole new world has been opened up on the other side of the mirror and for that I'm forever grateful.

I love who I am because I love who let me be me.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Power to save the world, my life.

Who knew those little church doors would open my life up into a whole new world?

I'm still working on this whole blog thing. I even went as far as to starting a vlog, we'll see how that goes. It's rather a difficult concept for me to wrap my brain around. I have so much on my mind and heart to say, but the process of putting them into words continues to baffle me. I dont know if what you're about to read would be considered a blog or just a happy rant, but here we go.

In case you were wondering, because I know you were, I have a man in my life. He is my best friend, He captivates my heart and soul, and He is Jesus. I read people say this a lot, heck I probably say it most, but I don't know how I got so lucky to have such a priveleged and blessed life. 

Sure, I could definitely do without some pain I encounter, but I know much better things are around the corner. My faith is my whole world. My purpose with this particular blog is to let you know just how much I appreciate my God and all that He has given to me and more importantly WHO he has given me.

Probably my favorite picture of us for some reason.
We were little and innocent and cute.
 So it began in 7th grade with my friend Miranda Todd. As she took me into the doors of Lake City Community Church I was more nervous than I had ever been. Growing up, I was never introduced to any sort of "religious" ideals. I told myself I believed in God when I was younger, but I never truly understood why, it just seemed like its something I should have been doing. Getting back on track, so as it happened, the moment I walked into that builiding I ran full speed ahead and never looked back. 

Revolution Film Festival.
2nd place isnt bad :]
Seven years later and I still cant begin to grasp how much of a profound impact LCCC has had on me. For some people,this next part is apparently cause for judgment, but in the words of Kelsey Griffin, "to each their own!" In my 7 years of attending Lake City, the majority of it has been spent at youth services. It's not that I'm not mature enough to handle a good ol' Sunday morning service, however, youth ministries is what I'm drawn to. Not to mention, the last couple years I've worked every Sunday. Regardless, I absolutely love my youth group, in every season it's had.

This next little blurb is where the "happy rant" commences. This is where I go on and on and on about the people that we're put in my life and how much they have meant to me and to my walk with God. Before I go on, I just want to say that whether it has been 7 years or a handful of months, these next two groups of people have impacted my world in so many different ways. As the days approach to my very last summer camp I felt the overwhelming urge to explain just how much I've been influenced and have felt so much love from these next two groups of people. I don't care if anyone thinks I'm weird for this, so...boomshakalacka, LETSSS GO!

Alright, Lake City this one's for you. 
Two amazing girls of God I have the privilege of knowing.

Rach&I at 1st ever Revolution Olympics/
my 17th birthday :)

To Lake City Community Church and all those who inhabitant it, thank you. In all my years of going there I have never felt "brainwashed" as some people who didn't believe would say. I felt loved and part of a family. Miranda thank you for opening the door to the biggest part of my life. Rick, Peter, and Adam thank you so much for being the best youth pastors in the whole entire world. From boating, to baptisms, to the Bees you three have had an incredibly huge impact on my walk with God. Not only have you been put in my life as mentors, pastors, and amazing men of God, but more importantly my friends. The investment and love you have all put into me is so unreal to imagine. I love you all for that. Oh, and don't worry, when I'm old and wrinkled, you'll still get to see my lovely raisined face on every christmas card until I die. :)

Thank you to Jonika, who, although I recently just met, had the courage and huge heart to go out off her way to introduce herself and begin a relationship with me. Teri Keith for being an incredible lifegroup leader and putting up with some very hyper girls and letting us always know that God loved us. Thank you to my small group for giving me a place outside of the church walls to get together to talk about the coolest guy we know! Thank you to Kelsey, Sara, and the entire Griffin clan for being SUCH a beautiful and amazing part of my life. I still cant begin to know what to say to let you know how appreciative I have been of you in the last 7 months.  To Rachel Richardson for being beautiful, strong, SO full of God, and an incredible friend to me regrardless of age difference. I love you!

I especially want to thank,however, my beautiful, amazing, wonderful, LOUD, very talkative lifegroup girls. 
Best lifegroup in the whole world!
Kendra, Vanessa, Carrington, Sam, Aspen
Miranda, Brooke, Teralyn.
In the last year, you girls have totally transformed my heart. You teach me way more than I think I teach you. I know you are 12 and 13 but I have never seen the age difference. Although I'm leaving, I hope we always stay in touch. I love you all so much! I could list of everyone I've ever met during my time at LCCC, but I don't have enough room and I doubt anyone has enough patience to read through it all!

To Faith Assembly and my wonderful new Pasco friends. Our journey began three years ago when we first merged our two churches together. I always felt like you were a group of people I wanted to get to know better. Being the awkward person you have all had the chance to finally get to know, it took me a long time and a lot of courage and prayer to step outside of my comfort zone. The power of prayer was only getting me so far. The next step was getting out and actually pursuing relationships with you all. I remember going to Corem Deo 2008 and seeing a much taller version of Brittany Gadd. Weirder part is...I saw them hug. Oh, it was Devyn...her sister...ah, yeah I'm a little bit slow :). 
Corem Deo 2010 <3

 If I had to point out one person who began my journey to being a part of all your lives it would definitely have to be Scott Middleton. He  (You if you're reading this) just has the biggest heart for God and is not afraid to express it and spread it to all those around him. I've told him this many times, but he really doesn't know how much influence he has on people. Keep on keepin' on Middletwin.

So anyway,we began talking a lot and I knew that I had become one step closer to meeting the rest of you. After almost a year of this, I finally (around Snowd'In) felt an overwhelming desire in my heart to take a leap of faith. I decided, as awkward, random, and crazy as it might be…I was going to Pasco. If it was the last thing that I did, I was going there, no questions asked! Within the first 30 minutes of being in the church, I already had about 5 new friends. You've become friends I hope last forever! I've never had a long distance relationship, much less 7 and it sucks not being able to see you all the time, but nonetheless I consider you all some of my greatest friends. 
D-RICH and I at Graduation :)
ps.there will be WAY more pictures of my beautiful pasco
friends in no time!

Sure, I'm a little weird, but I think we've all gotten over that :). I've somehow gone from knowing none of you----to going to your graduations, staying up all night with D-Rich and Roger laughing until we passed out, Devyn and I getting matching Justin Bieber jackets, and Ballin' like Wall in the form of dance with Branleee and in real life with Matt and Andrew. I know we've only known each other a short period of time, but it's time I'll never forget! So thank you SO much to my lovely, interesting, hilarious Pasco friends! Oh and Pastor Micah, you rock! I met you very briefly at camp and then when I came to visit you still remembered me. It's things like that, the attention to detail and love all of you give that makes me feel SO blessed to be a part of your lives.

For your information, this was the condensed version of how much I love each and every one of you and what you've done in my life. I hope I can start writing more, maybe even weekly. 

Stay classy.