Thursday, September 29, 2011

All you need is Love.

What is love? Well if you know anything about me, you'd know I'd say that my definition of love is Jesus.

With that said, the Lover of my soul is okay with sharing me. At some point in this thing called life, I believe there is someone that was destined at the beginning of time especially made for me. Together for the rest of our lives and eternity, God willing. He might not be 6'3", tan as "The Situation", and stand outside my window singing me love songs; He is, however, the most important man in my life second to Jesus.

Dating. Why do we do it?

To get experience

                           Be in Love

                                              Get prepared and ready so when we find who we're supposed to spend forever with....


It's been a very interesting 19 years I've spent on this earth. I've had fun. I've been through Hell and it reminded me that Heaven is the right place for me. I guess you could say I've had a couple...flings. A two week relationship at 15. A 3 month I'mnotevensurewhatocallit at 17. The only thing I left those with we're funny stories. Did I get my heart broken? Absolutely not. Did I hold onto my purity because I knew those boys weren't worth my innocence. Yes. Dating seems so trivial to me in high school and if not emotionally mature, at any time in our lives. What's the point of dating?

"You get to know somebody." don't know who you're dating? Not saying you need to know every detail of their lives. Wait. You just met him a month ago and you just want to "get to know him." Why? "To know what you want in future relationships." Oh okay, so you're planning on ending this. Very nice. I'm sure he/she will feel great when they realize they were just an experiment. Just a stepping stone to who they are really supposed to be with. This one is my favorite. "To get experience." What kind of experience? Physical experience? "Well...what if I don't know how to kiss?" "Be a good partner" "....have...s...e...x..." Well sweetie, I'm pretty sure you'll figure it out one way or another.

Why do we let ourselves break each other's heart. More often than not, we know our relationship is going to end. Your 16. Are you really going to stay together forever? Probably not. Sure you will learn something from this relationship. You'll learn that you just wasted your time and their time on a journey to a place you knew you'd end up at all along. The end.

Girls are a rare and interesting breed. We already have our cake, bridesmaids, flower arrangement, colors, veil, first dance song, and vows picked out...all we're waiting for is the groom. We try to find him in every guy we see. I'll be the first to admit I've seen a guy I've never seen before and will probably never see again pass me on the sidewalk and instantly see the rest of our lives together. "Wow we would make some pretty attractive babies." "He would go perfect with my dress..." I don't know why we do it, but that's a woman for you. Thinking 12 steps ahead

When people ask me about why I haven't dated or don't date it makes me laugh. Don't get me wrong on my crazy lady date rant you just read. I'm not against dating. In high school I didnt date. Why? Not because I'm some weird prude feminist who doesn't need a man to complete her[even though I dont]. I didn't date mostly  because I never really was put in the position to date.Sure I liked boys...a lot, but it just never was in the cards for me.Nobody asked me out. I barely got asked to prom my senior year. Did I feel set apart from everyone else at school because of bet. But want to know the best part about being on the outside? You have the front row seat to "the inside". I watched friends and classmates dissipate in their relational turmoil. Wait...he cheated on her? They did WHAT? He broke my heart. She's such a slut.

Looking back at it all. Did I really need to be included in all of that? Definitely not. Did I really need to have sex with him, just to realize what I already knew. Did I need to find my security in a boy holding me and telling me he loved me then turning around and taking it back? Did I need emotional baggage? That would be a big no-no. While everyone else was busy trying to captivate the heart of the quarterback, my focus was set on giving my heart and soul to the Creator of the universe.

I'm  n i n e t e e n years old and I still don't know if I'm ready to enter the world of "dating". I'm not looking to date for a boyfriend. I'm dating for a husband. I know some guys will see this and say "woah there little lady, ahead of yourself much?" Nah. Because that boy who grew up and became a man. A man worthy of what my Savior created me to find will understand and God's hands will hold us together forever. Guarding my heart was a promise I not only made to myself and to God, but to my husband in question. I want Him to not be the product of failed relationships because I was so insecure that I just N E E D E D someone to tell me I was worth what Jesus already died for me to prove.

Take a good look at your relationship right now or ones you plan to have in the future. Can you look at them and say..."I can see myself marrying you". Really think about it. Don't let the person you are supposed to end up with carry all the baggage you emotionally bring in from past relationships. It's not fair to them or to you. You're worth more than that. You're worth dying for. So until you can find someone you can see spend the rest of your life with and is worth YOU dying for, maybe you need to reconsider your options.

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