A whole new world openenes up when I met You.
So, I've been in this long term relationship for about seven years now. We've had our ups and downs, but when it comes down to it, we love each other to eternity and beyond. I finally found the One Man who could finish my thoughts before I could even think them, tell me I'm beautiful without saying a word, and make me fall in Love harder than I ever thought I could. Yesterday...we went on our very first date.
Sure, we have been in a relationship for quite some time, but never formally have we been on a date. Maybe that's why our relationship had those rocky times. We never took out specific times to reconnect, just the two of us. Alright, back to the good stuff. So it was yesterday, September 1, 2011. It was a beautiful, scorching winter day in the land of Joeys and old men in speedos( Thank God my man doesn't wear those). I had just got the best tan of my life. This day couldn't get any better, right? Wrong.
At that moment I was quite charmingly asked to spend some alone time with my Love. Of course I said yes. It was out first official date! This was so exciting! I went in the house, put my makeup on, hair up, got in my best clothes (j.biebs jacket) and we went to the park. He told me I was beautiful. He already knows how I feel about Him but I wanted to tell Him over and over again anyways. Oh oh oh, want to know more about Him?
Well not to brag or anything, BUT He is a Best Selling Author. I know right? Pretty impressive! He dances with me in the Storm and kisses me in the rain. He tells me everything will be okay no matter how I feel in that moment. He's a planner, always trying to tell me His plan and quite honestly, sometimes I just don't want to listen. He is pretty smart though. He can create everything out of nothing. It's quite miraculous. When I ask Him to be with me, He just is. I don't have to force him or try to earn His love.
He's a doctor. He heals those who need Him most. He loves my singing voice. I sing to Him often. I actually sang to Him on our date...out loud! If he didn't care who heard, why should I? It was about Him and I in that moment and I didn't care who heard. He has the best taste in music. I'm pretty sure Hillsong is our favorite :). He is the best advice giver and always knows the right things to say. He shows me that purity is the healthiest for my heart and constantly reminds me to guard it. He loves my tattoos. I know they say don't get tattoos for people you're in relationship with, but this is an exception!
He forgives me. He knows I mess up, but He loves me unconditionally anyways. There is nothing I have ever done, am doing , or will do that will make Him love me less. Oh! He also is a dad. He has tons of children! That's okay, it might take some patience on my end to love all of them as much as He does, but I'm working on it. He lets me see the beauty in life, even when it seems so ugly. He teaches me to love and not pass judgment. He gives me gifts. So many! The most precious gift He could ever give me was the gift of Grace. I knew then, just how much He really loved me. I know I don't have to be afraid of the darkness anymore because He will always carry the light to show me the way.
So, as we sat on that bench; we read, we sang, we walked, we talked, we just loved. On the playground in front of us I noticed there was graffitti all over it. It broke my heart and showed me just how much darkness there is in this world. Then I looked up and saw the most beautiful display of clouds painted across the sky. "ITS SO FLUFFFFFY". He has a sense of humor too. Thank God for that. I wish I could just share Him with the whole world. Lots of people just don't understand Him or want to understand Him.
I guess that makes sense. You can't really know someone unless you really invest your time into them. He can be intimidating, trust me I know. I never know if I say the right things to Him, live the way He thinks I should, or do what I know He wants me to do. But through all those technicalities there is love.
He is Love.
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